How to Remove Urine Stains From a Foam Mattress
Cleaning Aug 04, 2022

If your child has urinated on your mattress, you should read this article. It contains helpful information on cleaning products that contain hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar. The first step to removing urine stains is to blot the affected area. This is necessary because it absorbs excess liquid. Next, add a small amount of dish soap to a bowl of cold water and apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth. This will prevent the stain from sinking too deep.
My family has a queen-size foam mattress that was also a sofa, but we had to get rid of it because urine stains wouldn’t fall out. When I informed my partner, I think his exact words were “Um, what do you mean we have to get rid of the comfy couch?” I’d heard about some home remedies for removing stains from fabrics in the past, so I decided to give it a try. After all, what did we have to lose?

White vinegar
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Using white vinegar to clean a foam mattress is a common household remedy for urine stains. However, if the urine stain is not fresh, you should blot it immediately with paper towels to remove as much moisture as possible. The same method applies to dried pee stains, though you may need to repeat the process several times until the stain is completely gone. Adding a small amount of diluted vinegar to the water can also be effective for removing the urine smell.
Hydrogen peroxide
If you have a foam mattress and have noticed stains from urine, you should know how to remove them using hydrogen peroxide. Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide with two cups of cold water, half a cup of distilled white vinegar, and about 2-3 tablespoons of washing detergent. Allow the mixture to soak into the mattress and let dry completely. If you are worried that the mixture may cause a bubble mess, you can place a plastic cover over the wet area to prevent it from evaporating.
Cleaning products with hydrogen peroxide
A few ways to get rid of pee odors are effective and will leave your foam mattress smelling fresh. First, use an enzymatic cleaner. This product contains ingredients that target the source of the smell, such as protease enzymes. Simply spray the cleaner onto the affected area and cover with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation. Enzymes in urine break down the organic compound urea, which is a component of urine.
Cleaning products with vinegar
Using white vinegar to remove a urine stain from a foam mattress is a good way to get rid of this type of stain. The vinegar should be applied to the stain gently, without rubbing it with a paper towel. Rubbing may cause the urine to penetrate the fabric of the mattress, making it harder to remove. A solution of two parts cold water and one part white vinegar should be sprayed on the stain, leaving it to soak for 10 minutes.

Getting pee out of a mattress
Getting pee out of a foam bed is no fun. Even worse, the mess can cause the mattress to smell like pee. Fortunately, there is an easy way to get rid of pee stains on a foam bed. By following a few simple steps, you can get your mattress back to its original condition and save yourself some money. And since most household items contain ingredients that can help eliminate the smell, you can save money on expensive cleaning products as well.
With some patience, a spray bottle and some simple household ingredients, you can get those stubborn urine stains out of your bed. Just remember to be thorough and watch your time, though! Rinse with water until the mattress is clean.”